Saturday, December 21, 2013

Heart of Darkness Blog Directions

Welcome to the beginning of our Heart of Darkness journey!!  Over the next couple weeks we will be reading and responding to Conrad’s novella.  And here’s what you need to do:

  1. Peruse the prompts for discussion (included below).  These are key elements within the novel to consider while you read.
  2. Carefully read and thoroughly annotate the text.  It’s short but dense!
  3. BLOG!
·         Make sure you have the active and correct google account from Summer Reading.  If, at anytime, you have questions, please email us.  If you need to create a new account do so immediately and then turn it in to us so we can invite you to the blog.

·         Go to the Blog Address:  (This is the same one from our Summer Work).  Log in with your username (Google Account) and password.
·         Click on “View Blog.”  This will take you to our secure, academic Blog!
·         Click on “Comments.”  You will be able to read your peers’ comments and respond.

  1. Choose two Prompts from the sheet to initiate two different responses for the text.  These should be a minimum of 200 words each.
  2. You are to post a minimum of four other student responses (relating to any of the topics/prompts for H of D).  These should be a minimum of 100 words and should all be for different students; at least two of these postings should be for students in the other class. 
  3. Feel free to blog as much as you want.  We’ll talk bonus later!
  4. Your faithful instructors will visit the Blog to join in the conversation and monitor the discussion.  All responses must be posted by Friday, January 10, 2014; a print off of posts/comments must be turned in by Monday, January 13, 2014.