Tuesday, May 29, 2012

How To Read Literature Like a Professor

Prompt 2
Are you normally a rereader? Is rereading only for those who don't understand the text on the first reading? What is your experience with rereading and its importance?

How To Read Literature Like a Professor

Prompt 1
What is literacy? What does it mean to be a literate person? How does one become literate? What does a literate person do, know, think?

Hello, Everyone,
Now that you're thinking about literacy and your role as a reader, we'll be posting prompts on Professor once a week. Feel free to write your thoughts, experiences, and questions to the prompts as well as responses to your colleagues' comments. We hope you are enjoying How to Read Literature Like a Professor and the jumpstart it gives to academic reading. Blog away!

Thursday, May 17, 2012



You have been invited to a secure, academic Blog.  We will use this Blog throughout the year for various readings and discussions.  We are so glad all of you have signed up for the challenge and the joy that is AP Literature.  We begin, as we begin all things--with reading and writing....

I have copied here the Blog Assignment (a portion of the Summer Reading/Pre-Requisite Reading).  You should already have all of this information, along with the rest of the Summer Reading and Writing Assignments.  You received this in your AP Language class, the mail, or at the Banquet.  Books are available at the school if you need a copy. 

As you begin your work, please remember that this is an intellectual environment where members are given academic courtesy and respect.  Maintain an open mind as you read, write, and comment.  Our task is always first to understand.  The blog is a forum for discussion more so than debate. 

BLOG ASSIGNMENT:    How To Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas Foster.
Assignment:  Create 3 POSTS (250 words each) and 5 COMMENTS (100 words each).  Your 3 posts will relate to prompts we create.  Your comments will be made directly to other students' posts.  We will be posting the prompts for you to consider over the next week. 
·         Blog posts and comments must be posted no later than FRIDAY, AUGUST 10 6:00 PM for instructor comments.  In addition, you need to print a hard copy of your posts/comments to be turned in on the first day of school with the other written assignments as well.

Amy L. McElroy:      522-6314; amcelroy@access.k12.wv.us; amy.mcelroy1@gmail.com
Sheila B. Leach:        529-7600; sleach@access.k12.wv.us, sbleach7@gmail.com